I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:14
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made:
Psalm 139:14 invites us to stand amazed before our Creator, acknowledging the marvel of His craftsmanship in forming each one of us. Our bodies, minds, and souls are fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of the Almighty. This realization calls for deep gratitude and awe.
Marvelous Works:
“I stand amazed before You” is a declaration of awe at the marvelous works of God. From the intricate details of creation to the unique design of every individual, His works are beyond comprehension. Each aspect of our existence is a testament to His creativity, wisdom, and boundless love.
Intimacy with the Creator:
To stand amazed before God is to recognize the intimacy we have with our Creator. He knows us intimately, and our souls bear witness to the depth of this relationship. In this acknowledgment, we find a source of comfort, assurance, and a profound sense of belonging.
Today’s Blessings:
Gracious Father, I stand amazed before You, recognizing the intricate design of my being that reflects Your marvelous works. Thank you for fearfully and wonderfully creating me. May this awareness deepen my gratitude and awe for Your craftsmanship. Help me embrace the intimacy of our relationship, knowing that my soul is known and loved by You. In every moment, I stand amazed before Your majesty. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.